Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants? - Google Ad Assessment Answers

Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants?

Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants

Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants answer

Question: which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants?

  • Seller ratings
  • Location extensions
  • Sitelink extensions
  • Previous visits extensions

Correct answer is:

Location extensions


Benefits of Location extension

Location extensions encourage people to visit you in person.
You can add multiple addresses by linking your account to Google My Business.
On average, ads with location extensions see a 10% boost in clickthrough rate.
You can target your ads around your business addresses.

Read more: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2404182?hl=en

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